Cars Bessie

Cars Bessie and Sally Carrera Toys

Bessie is a fictional character featured in Disney Cars games. She first appeared in Cars: Mater National Championship as concept art. Later, she was removed. Bessie is static but she makes funny sounds when she spits onto cars. Her eyes aren’t visible, but she can be spotted in beta videos.

While Bessie doesn’t appear in the movie, she does appear in two deleted scenes. Mater and Lightning see Bessie in a scene. Mater asks Bessie to say hello. After Mater says “hi”, Bessie lets loose a little bit of pavement. Mater suggests that Lightning take Bessie for a drive. Lightning had dreamed about Bessie the night prior, and now she can get to know her.

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Cars are not only a way to kill small people, but they can also be used to kill them. Shooting at cars can actually be a quick way for people to die in certain countries. It can kill small people inside due to the large human eyes embedded in windshield. The lenses are connected to a visor that resembles a human’s nose. The visor is made from white plastic and conceals the nose bridge. These huge eyes on the windshield make cars appear much more human than they really are.

Pixar’s Cars movie stars Sally Carrera as a fictional character. She drives a blue 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera. She is the town attorney of Radiator Springs, and is the love interest of Lightning McQueen. Sally, who is also Lightning McQueen’s love interest, tries to convince the judge that the car should be directed to repair Main Street.

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