Saint Digain

Saint Digain and His Well

Saint Digain was a 5th-century Welsh prince. His well is still said to be haunted by his angelystor. There are many stories in this Welsh legend. But is there a connection between Digain’s well, and the ghost of an angel? This article discusses this mystery and more. Also, learn about Digain’s church as well as Digain’s well. Don’t forget to check out the other interesting facts about St. Digain.

St. Digain’s church, Llangernyw

The ancient Llangernyw Yew tree stands on a hillside at the St. Digain’s church in Llangernyw village. The tree, estimated to be between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, is believed to be the ancestral home of Angelystor, or the Recording Angel. During the mid-14th century, a mysterious voice was heard intoned the names of parishioners. The foundations of the tree were buried in early fourteenth century.

The cruciform church of St. Digain is believed to be over four thousand years old. There are several standing stones in the churchyard with crosses carved into them. This could indicate burial sites from the Dark Ages. Another interesting feature of the churchyard is the presence of pre-Christian yew trees, thought to be the oldest tree in Wales and perhaps the world.

A wonderful spot for a picnic is the churchyard of St. Digain’s, Llangernyw. A Yew tree that is over 4,000 years old can be found in the village. It is a rare opportunity to visit this old church and admire the yew trees. The churchyard also holds the certificate stating the age of the tree, and the nearby Yew Museum.

The unusual layout of the churchyard at St. Digain’s church, Llangernyw, is a cruciform one for north Wales. The original structure was a single-chamber structure. Transepts and a chancel were added later in the fifteenth century. The east window’s form and fabric are authentic. This church is one the few Welsh churches to retain its original stone foundations.

Digain’s well

St. Digain’s well is a place of pilgrimage for local people and visitors alike, and is located just outside the town of Llangernyw, Herefordshire. Although the church at this location dates back to the early 1300s the area has been a religious center for centuries. A nearby well and farm also took his name. It is estimated that the well is over 1,500 years old, and a white stone was once placed around the base in order to protect it from evil spirits. The well is famous for having water, and it is even the source of John Wynne’s baptism.

St. Digain, also known by Dygain, was a fifth-century Welsh saint. He was involved in the founding of Llangystennin church, which was dedicated in his memory. Today, the well is located near Llangernyw church, which means “church of the Cornishman.” A small stained glass window depicts St. Digain in the church’s north wall. The well is home to a holy spring.


The 13th-century saw the construction of the Church of Saint Digain, located in Clwyd’s western region. Its cruciform shape is likely to have been added in the late medieval period. The interior retains an early post-Reformation layout, as well as a font from the 14th or fifteenth century. The interior has wallpainting and a Table of Benefactions in English. The churchyard is well-preserved and offers a good view of the town and countryside.

The churchyard is home to the ancient tomb of Saint Digain. Located in the Elwy Valley in Conwy county, this church is home to the ancient tomb of Saint Digain. It is said to be a sacred place of healing and the churchyard is a wonderful place to visit to commemorate his memory. It is not known if he actually existed, but it is worth a visit. The beautiful example of Welsh history is Digain’s grave.

The Church of Saint Digain is dedicated to the 5th-century saint Digain. The 5th-century saint was the son of Cystennin Gorneu. He is associated with the founding of a church at Llangystennin. The name of the church derives from the Cornish Llangernyw (church of Cornishman), and it’s the only place in Wales that the well can be found.

The Church of Saint Digain is located next to a magnificent 4000-year-old yew tree. The churchyard contains several upright standing stones with crosses, possibly Christian gravestones from the Dark Ages or an ancient altar. The rough standing stones near the church entrance may be pre-Christian and have been standing nearly as long as the yew tree. The yew tree is the oldest living thing found in Wales.

Yew trees

Two giant yews trees stand in the parish of Saint Digain, south Wales, alongside the gravestone of a churchgoer who has died. Although the tree predates Christianity by three millennia, its ancestry goes back much further. Pagans and Druids worshipped yew trees, and early Christians may have built the church on the site of a pagan temple.

The tree is the oldest yew in Britain, and was named one of the 50 Great British Trees in the Queen’s jubilee year. It is now a hidden specimen, visible only from a distance because of a 19th century wall around it. Nonetheless, the tree is still one of only three living creatures in the world with such ancient origins.

The Saint Digain yew tree is particularly significant because of its long-standing association with Christianity. Christianity shares a common ancestry to Paganism, so early Christianity was closely connected to the tree. In fact, yews were planted in churchyards to appease the Pagans. As Christianity spread, yews became a part of churchyards. By the 8th century, yews were interspersed with the churchyards of the newly converted.

The ancient yews are home to a variety of birds and insects. This plant is important habitat for many species of decaying wood, in addition to its poisonous properties. The evergreen leaves of yew trees provide shelter for birds and moths during cold months, as well as providing cover. Hyptiotes paradoxus is a nationally rare species. It has a winky-eyed eye and is believed that it is a beneficial pesticide.

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