John Hoyt Passes Away at Lucy House, Rome NY
John was born in Ithaca to Clarence N. and Ina Walle Hoyt (deceased), graduating from Van Etten High School. For over thirty years he worked at Rome Lab as an electrical engineer; however his true love was magic and the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBOM). Other hobbies he enjoyed included gardening, golfing, playing baseball and being outdoors – among them were St Mary’s Church Rome membership and membership at Camden Rod and Gun Club membership. John leaves behind Roseann of Rome NY as well as family such as son-in-Law John Jr and Suzanne Hoyt from Blossvale NY as well as many close relatives such as Nancy Hoyt of Ithaca who were all his siblings as well as Callahan his special K-9 companion (who passed away earlier). Wilson Hoyt of Ithaca had preceded John his own journey with many loving memories!
Lucy House provides 24-bed emergency housing to victims of domestic violence and their children and was founded to meet this demand in Rome City. According to the 2019 point-in-time census, emergency and transitional housing requirements increased significantly across Rome.
The City of Rome, working closely with its Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), has selected projects under its 2019 Annual Action Plan that will advance economic development, accessibility and reduce slum and blight reduction services. Project selection reflects goals established by CDAC, Downtown Rome BOA Plan Erie BOA Plan as well as Rome Community Needs Assessment.
Rome expects that these investments will leverage substantial Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding in the near future. To ensure its public input on this draft action plan, two public meetings were held along with a 30-day public review in January 2019. When finalized, the final version will be posted to both Rome’s website as well as included in legal ad sections and newspapers.
The 2019 annual action plan can be found at City Hall, Rome Sentinel office and online. Residents within each ward will be informed when it’s available for review.
On February 5, 2019 Rome will begin reviewing and accepting proposals for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grants. As always, Rome will use public hearings, meetings, and surveys as effective methods for soliciting public input and soliciting community feedback. The City is committed to the fair and equitable allocation of available funds, accepting proposals from all qualified applicants whether local governments, non-profit entities or private individuals. The City will select funding projects, which will then be included in its final Annual Action Plan submitted to NYS Division of Housing and Urban Development. Draft Annual Action Plans will be reviewed by the Community Development Action Committee (CDAC), composed of City Councilors representing each ward as well as residents from target areas. A preliminary Annual Action Plan should be complete by mid-February; once finalized by City Council approval on March 14, 2019. To learn more please visit the City website.