Katherine Kelly Quinones

The internet is your best resource for information about Katherine Kelly Quinones’ family history. Photos, original documents, and many other information will be available. You’ll also find full names and addresses. With a free family tree, you can research your loved one’s history and find valuable new details. Before researching Katherine Quinones, here are some things you should consider. Here are a few of the most important details about Katherine Quinones.

Lora Heedick was a Modesto sex worker who was killed in her car in 1986. She was last seen getting into a white Ford Maverick in downtown Modesto. Her body was found in a ditch close to Lake Berryess a few months later. The killer, John Kibbe, admitted to picking up prostitutes and being confused with the real killer. The police found Stephanie Brown’s body in San Joaquin County near an irrigation ditch. And, in the same year, Katherine Kelly Quinones’ body was found near Lake Berryess.

Kibbe was already serving a life sentence for the 1986 murder of Darcie Frankenpohl when he was indicted for the first-degree murder of six women. Heedick and Burleigh were killed on April 21, 1986. Kibbe was also convicted of the 1986 murders of Stephanie Brown and Barbara Ann Scott. He avoided the death penalty by accepting a plea bargain. Kibbe was sentenced six times to life.

Throughout the years, Kibbe was convicted for rape and murder in six cases across California. In addition to her Amador County conviction, she pleaded guilty to six other rape and murder cases. She was also convicted for attempted kidnapping of a prostitute. These women were allegedly raped and murdered.

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