How To Break Bad Habits

Do you have an unyielding habit that you just can’t seem to break? Maybe it’s smoking, overeating, or procrastinating. Whatever it is, breaking bad habits can be tricky. But it’s not impossible.

Humans are creatures of routine. We like patterns, and we stick to them because they’re comfortable. But sometimes, those habits can be harmful to our health or well-being. That’s when it’s time to break them.

When it comes to breaking bad habits, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person might not work for another. But some general principles can help you on your journey to breaking bad habits.

Identify Your Triggers

A trigger is any incident or event that causes your harmful behavior to occur. It can be a specific time of day, a place, a person, or a feeling. Once you are mindful of your triggers, you can be prepared for them and have a strategy to avoid or cope with them. Spend a few days tracking your daily habits and noting when and where your bad habit occurs. If you usually stay up late at night, your trigger may be boredom or stress. If you suffer from anxiety, your trigger might be work stress or family conflict. It is imperative to be mindful of your triggers to avoid them or be prepared for them.

Once you’ve discovered your triggers, you may start working on breaking your harmful habit. You can seek professional help to deal with specific triggers that might be difficult to manage on your own. If your trigger is depression or anxiety, you might want to seek therapy. Many healthcare providers offer services to help deal with depression and other mental health issues. For example, Delphi Behavioral Health Group provides various counseling services to help you deal with your triggers and break bad habits.

Set Realistic Goals

When trying to break a bad habit, setting realistic goals is essential. Trying to go cold turkey might work for some people, but it’s not always the best or most sustainable option. Start by setting small, achievable goals. For example, if you’re trying to quit eating junk food, start cutting back instead of eliminating it altogether. Instead of vowing never to eat fast food again, commit to only eating it once a week. Once you’ve attained that goal, you can set a new one of only eating it every other week.

It’s also necessary to be patient with yourself. Breaking bad habits can take time, and you might not see results right away. But as long as you’re progressing, even if it’s slow, you’re on the right track.

Find A Support System

Breaking a bad habit can be frustrating and difficult, especially if you try to do it on your own. That’s why it’s critical to find a support system. It could be friends or family members trying to break the same habit, a professional therapist or counselor, or even an online support group. Having people to talk to who understand what you’re going through can make a big difference. They can offer advice, encouragement, and accountability. Once you find your support system, lean on them when struggling. They can help you get back on track and keep moving forward.

Be Prepared For Setbacks

Setbacks are inevitable when you’re trying to break a bad habit. You might have a slip-up or two (or more). But that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. What’s important is getting back on track as soon as possible. Don’t beat yourself up over a setback. Just pick yourself up and keep going. When you do have a setback, try to learn from it. What triggered it? What can you do differently next time to avoid it? The more you learn from your blunders, the easier it will be to break bad habits for good. Don’t push yourself too hard or be too hard on yourself. Remember that breaking bad habits takes time and patience.

Reward Yourself

When you reach your objectives, no matter how small, reward yourself. It will help motivate you to keep going. The rewards can be anything you enjoy, as long as they don’t contradict your goals. The key is ensuring the rewards are something you look forward to and will help keep you on track. For example, if you’re attempting to eat healthier, you might allow yourself to buy a new outfit after you’ve reached your goal weight. Or, if you are trying to reduce your spending, you might give yourself a day at the spa after you’ve saved up a certain amount of money. Choose rewards that will help keep you motivated and on track to breaking your bad habit. Celebrate your triumphs, no matter how small, and you’ll be 

More Likely To Maintain Your Good Practices For The Long Term.

Upgrade Your Environment

The environment you surround yourself with can significantly impact your ability to break harmful habits. People who are trying to break bad habits often find it helpful to create what’s called a “safe environment.” It is an environment free of anything that might tempt you to give in to your bad habit. By keeping temptation out of your sight, you can make it much easier to resist. If your home or office is full of triggers for your bad habit, it will be that much harder to resist. But if you try to upgrade your environment, you can make it easier to break your bad habit. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, you might eliminate all your ashtrays and lighters. If you’re attempting to save money, you might set up a budget and put away your credit cards.


Working out is a great way to break bad habits. It can help you in two ways. First, it can serve as a distraction from your bad habit. Second, it can help release endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties.

When we work out, endorphins are secreted and act to improve our state of mind. They can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. If you find yourself struggling with a bad habit, working out can be a great way to help you cope. It can take your attention off of your cravings and help you feel better at the same time.

There are many different ways to work out, so find something you enjoy and stick with it. If you don’t enjoy hitting the gym, try taking a fitness class or going for a run outside. You can also try working out at home with a workout video or simple exercises. The important thing is to find something that you enjoy and can stick with.


Breaking bad habits can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. It takes time, patience, and effort. But if you’re willing to work, you can break bad habits for good. Take things one step at a time and focus on one habit at a time. We hope the tips we’ve shared will help you on your journey to a better, healthier you. How have you been successful in breaking your bad habits?

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