Drake And Josh Headaches

Drake and Josh Headaches (TV Show Review)

Drake and Josh both share an unhealthy passion for junk food and video games, respectively. After they accidentally fail to pick Megan up from a party and become grounded, they create a bet between themselves to see who can last longest without acting on these obsessions – the winner gets their money for whatever they desire! At first the bet seems simple enough but quickly escalates into an unforgettable journey of suspense!

One of the more interesting Drake and Josh dilemmas occurs when they attempt to gain admission into the Premiere, a sexy film featuring child actress Ashley Blake. Helen (Frances Callier) assigns Drake and Josh as Ashley’s personal assistants, leading to exhaustion due to carrying her around, speaking for her, and moving her arms when necessary. Inevitably though, they get the opportunity to watch Ashley on screen!

Drake labels Josh uncool after he fails at performing magic before a girl and encourages him to join the school football team as an alternative means of becoming cool. Josh agrees, yet doesn’t want to play against one of the toughest teams in the state – instead sneaking a janitor who had lost their memory following an accident into their place as substitute player.

Megan, Drake and Josh’s younger sister, often makes life miserable for both of her brothers by playing cruel tricks on them. Her most notorious act of mischief involves placing lipstick on their food; but there are numerous others as well that lead them into heated arguments with one another which cannot be resolved easily.

This show’s slapstick humor makes it extremely enjoyable to watch, with talented actors all making memorable characters that draw viewers in quickly. Root for some while disliking others; writing is superb as every episode offers multiple humorous moments!

There are also some truly heartbreaking moments in the series as it progresses, yet these don’t turn the show into something melancholic or dark.

Overall, the show is an entertaining comedy that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. The characters are extremely likeable and its storylines always captivating. Additionally, its soundtrack and special effects are impressive for a Nickelodeon show; its only possible drawback being occasional offensive humor that viewers might find offensive; though this can easily be overlooked when considering the overall high quality of this program.

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