Caleb Guillory And Casey Pomeroy

Caleb Guillory and Casey Pomeroy

Caleb Guillory and Casey Pomeroy were close, living together in Eagle Point Oregon and working hard at their jobs. On New Years Eve they died unexpectedly while vacationing together in Anguilla – sparking many questions as to what occurred that night, what exactly killed them, and whether anyone else may have played any part.

On December 30th, Casey and his friend Chuck visited an outdoor beach bar for drinks before leaving to look for his lost flip-flops; upon their return home both began experiencing seizures before succumbing to them shortly afterward. Barbara, Carly and Chuck Gros’ wives refused to assist in investigating their deaths or provide testimony about what knowledge they may possess of what occurred on Anguilla;

Initial investigations did not indicate any illegality; however, once their families saw copies of autopsies conducted on both men, they were amazed to find high concentrations of MDA and cocaine as well as carbon monoxide in both.

Reports indicate both individuals were strangled to death; Caleb’s cause of death listed as asphyxia due to strangulation (ligature and manual), meaning someone used a rope or belt around his neck before strangulating him with their hands manually. Furthermore, reports noted severe blunt force trauma to his head, multiple injuries as well as respiratory failure and seizures as contributors.

Casey died of pulmonary edema, cardiac toxicity, hypothermia and seizures – symptoms consistent with drug poisoning; however he also had low blood sugar which does not align with poisoning.

Families of both of the men involved have begun a GoFundMe page to get to the truth behind their deaths, hoping an inquest will reveal all that transpired between their loved ones. Each couple was very close, so grieving is still very fresh for each family member involved. Families feel that uncovering the truth will provide them with some peace and closure; however, four witnesses who refuse to come back to Anguilla and assist with investigation have delayed matters and altered their stories about what transpired on that fateful evening. We will keep following this case to find out exactly what happened to these young friends – praying for their families while hoping that justice is served.

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