All True Summer Spoilers

Alltrue Summer Spoilers Revealed!

Alltrue Summer box subscribers will enjoy six handpicked items from top brands curated specifically for them in this limited-edition subscription box! Annual subscribers have the chance to select their item(s).

Alltrue (formerly Causebox) launched in 2014 with the mission of offering consumers feel-good products with socially responsible values. Soon thereafter, Alltrue found itself building a large following via its Facebook groups dedicated to buying, trading, and discussing Alltrue products (one group boasts over 15,000 members!). By 2020, founders Brett McCollum and Laura Richardson had earned Forbes 30 Under 30 Social Impact recognition while Ali Capital, Headline Capital and Bling Capital provided funding.

Alltrue’s website seems perfectly ordinary at first glance, featuring pictures of smiling people and bold language highlighting beautiful and sustainable products. But there’s a darker secret lurking underneath: according to documents seen by Forbes, Alltrue is shutting down and liquidating its assets according to an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors process similar to bankruptcy that does not require public disclosure in California – something distressed businesses can use in order to avoid publicising their financial woes.

Some subscribers of Alltrue/Causebox are outraged over how it handled its impending demise, especially considering their long-standing patronage of the company. “As a longtime Alltrue customer and supporter, I’m appalled that their carefully crafted image as a responsible company championing small businesses was so far from reality,” one member wrote in an email sent to Forbes. A second subscriber reports being charged an annual subscription when she actually desired quarterly service as well as never receiving either her subscription box nor add-on products that she ordered in her monthly box!

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