Accident Erin Ny

A single vehicle accident in Erin, N.Y., left one person dead. The accident occurred at about 12:36 a.m. near the intersection of Park Station Road and Laurel Hill Road. The driver, 19-year-old Dominick Wood, lost control of the vehicle and it was airborne, traveling through a ravine. It later rolled over. Wood, a teacher, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Small business owners in Erin do not know the ultimate cost of an injury, which could range from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars. Erin small business owners should purchase the right amount of commercial general liability insurance to protect themselves against the potential financial cost of an accident. This insurance covers bodily injury liability, property damage, and personal injury liabilities. Erin business owners should consider increasing the limit of their liability coverage to cover a variety of scenarios, including a lawsuit from the victim.

Emergency personnel, including the Erin Fire Department and Erway Ambulance, responded to the scene of the incident. The accident is still under investigation. The female victim sustained non-life-threatening injuries. Erin RD 1 residents Richard Henry Ervay Jr. and his cousin, a 16-year-old from Beech, were involved in the crash. The driver did not know the victim and the accident happened after the cousin turned and ran back. Ervay’s vehicle struck the girl. Her body was carried off the road into an embankment. The vehicle that hit her didn’t hit the toboggan, but it struck the passenger.

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