90 Day Fiance Jibri Birthday

Jibri’s Birthday Gift From Miona Bell on 90 Day Fiance

Jibri Bell became known for his colorful personality on 90 Day Fiance reality television show during season 9 where he met Serbian fiancee Miona Bell while touring with band Black Serbs. They quickly fell in love and got engaged despite some financial challenges; soon thereafter they relocated to Palm Springs together and established an successful ponytail business together.

Miona has found great success as an entrepreneur in both beauty and fitness. She has dabbled in modeling and yoga; has become an active presence on social media with posts of workout routines and healthy meals posted. Miona boasts an impressive following on Instagram that continues to expand their brand.

Miona may now be reconsidering her decision to divorce American husband Jibri Bell. Recently, she has expressed her feelings on Instagram with some vague posts, leading many fans to speculate she might be reacting to any divorce rumors with Jibri. However, no such news exists at present.

Jibri revealed on a recent episode of 90 Day Fiance that he isn’t ready to move back home just yet and wants to save up money for a new home instead. He says that he has been working diligently towards this goal while making sure his fiancee is content before moving.

According to Miona’s Instagram video posted on June 17th, she celebrated her birthday by surprising Jibri with several gifts, such as books and candles; then told him she had one more surprise waiting. Jibri tried guessing what it might be until finally looking behind him revealed an exciting motorcycle!

Miona shared on her Instagram video how Jibri was overwhelmed with joy upon receiving his birthday present – an iconic motorcycle! Miona showcased this dream come true and declared, he smiled from ear-to-ear!

Jibri and Miona’s drama will unfold further on tonight’s 90 Day Fiance episode airing on TLC at 8 pm EST. It will be interesting to see if they can reconcile and get married in Rapid City, South Dakota where they met. Unlike some cast members such as Paola Mayfield and Russ Mayfield who ended up having beachfront weddings, these two did not manage it quite so effortlessly but still managed to have beautiful ceremonies somewhere picturesque! We can’t wait to witness it all happen!

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