5 Types of Learning Disabilities That Affect Students

Data shows that 33% of students have a learning disability. Students who have a learning disability often face difficulty learning. This affects their academic performance as evidenced by their grades. 

It’s important to look for the signs and symptoms of learning disabilities. The goal is to diagnose these disabilities. Doing so can help affected students receive the help they need. 

As a parent, you should be familiar with the different learning disabilities that exist. Read on to learn about five common types of learning disabilities. 

1. Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most commonly diagnosed learning disabilities in children. It affects a student’s ability to read and write. It also affects a student’s ability to comprehend the material. 

A sign of dyslexia is having trouble making connections between letters and sounds. This makes it hard for a student to recognize words. 

Dyslexia can lead to delays in speaking. It can also affect a child’s ability to learn songs and rhymes. Many children with dyslexia are unable to tell the difference between left and right.   

2. Dysgraphia

Children with dysgraphia have trouble writing. They tend to have trouble turning their thoughts into writing. In some cases, they may even have trouble drawing. 

Signs to look for include distorted handwriting and poor motor planning. Difficulty with spatial awareness is another sign. Trouble thinking is another issue related to this learning disability. 

3. Dyscalculia

Is your child having problems with math? Your child might have dyscalculia. This learning disability can lead to struggles with math concepts. These include numbers and reasoning. 

Having trouble telling time on a clock is another sign of dyscalculia. Counting money is another sign to be on the lookout for. 

4. Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory processing disorder (APD) causes children to have trouble processing sounds. A child with APD may confuse the order of sounds. 

It’s also common for children with APD to have trouble filtering different sounds. This can cause a child to be unable to tell the difference between a teacher’s voice and background noise. It can cause the child to be unable to process information. 

5. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

Nonverbal learning disabilities affect the ability to decode nonverbal behaviors. This has to do with decoding social cues. 

Children who suffer from these types of learning disabilities struggle to understand body language. Facial expressions and tone of voice are also hard to understand. 

Student resources are ideal for those who have a learning disability. These students should have access to the best education that allows them to overcome their learning difficulties. 

Do you have a child in high school who has a learning disability? Check the high school program linked here. It’s a good program for all types of learning styles. 

These Are Five of the Most Common Learning Disabilities

These are five learning disabilities that you should be aware of. These learning disabilities can affect a child’s academic performance. Early intervention and treatment are a must. 

Make sure to explore the rest of our blog to continue reading more articles. 

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