Parkinson’s Treatment Nyt Crossword

Parkinson’s Treatment NYT Crossword Answers

New York Times Crossword is one of the most beloved games among online players, providing hours of logical thinking and reasoning challenges. Many enjoy playing it to sharpen their mental faculties while having fun doing something they find stimulating – although sometimes its difficulty makes playing difficult; when this occurs this website provides answers for parkinson’s treatment nyt crossword answers as a quick fix!

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that impairs movement in the body. One effective treatment option for parkinson’s is levodopa, an amino acid converted to dopamine that relieves tremors. Since levodopa can cross over blood-brain barriers more easily than dopamine does, levodopa has proven itself the best cure yet – appearing 20+ times on New York Times crossword puzzles as such!

This article contains solutions for the New York Times Crossword Puzzle of May 5th 2022 featuring “parkinson’s treatment”. Click on any clue to see its answer, or scroll through all available solutions for this crossword clue.

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