When is the Trick Or Treat in Zanesville Ohio?
One of the questions we have been getting is when the trick or treat will be in Zanesville. The answer is that the event will be held on a weekend, October 29 and 30. This will be the first time the event will be held on a weekend since the city began holding it on a Sunday in the 1980s.
Trick or treating is a time honored tradition in the area, however the best time to go trick or treating is not always the time when you’re most likely to be out and about. A lot of communities do not have trick or treat on the weekends, as it can interfere with other Halloween activities, such as church activities. It is also the time of year where there is a higher chance of rain, which means it may be a better idea to go trick or treating in the afternoon, as opposed to evening.
While we are awaiting the trick or treat, we will be able to enjoy a number of other fun things to do in the Zanesville area this fall, including a trunk or treat event. Newton Township Fire Department will be hosting their very own Halloween trunk decorating competition on Saturday. Wesel Boy Brewing will also be hosting a Halloween costume party on Saturday night.
Trick or treating in Zanesville is a tradition that dates back to the early 1900s. For some, it has become a culturally important event. Traditionally, it’s held on the evening of October 31st. However, the city council is considering a change, as parents have voiced their concerns about the date falling on a workday.
There is no one perfect date, so many towns and cities will opt to move the trick or treat to a different day. Many will also not reschedule the event at all, if the weather is not on their side. Those who want to get out and about in their costumes will have a great time at the Halloween costume contest at Wesel Boy Brewing. We’ve got plenty of other trick or treating events on our calendar, so keep checking back for more updates.
While we’re waiting for the trick or treat to be held, the South Zanesville Police Department will be making sure that the night is safe for all who attend. Several of the city’s other agencies will be assisting as well, including the fire department, city hall, and more. With the city’s population growing at a rate of approximately 22% each year, there is definitely a need to increase the safety of the residents. To this end, the department will be adding more police officers and equipment to the ranks. In addition, the community will be getting an update on the most efficient way to provide services in the future.
As for the trick or treat itself, the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission has recommended that the best time to participate is on Halloween. That’s a tad disappointing for those who have been looking forward to the event. However, the MORPC’s recommendation will most likely remain a fixture for many years to come.