Ryan Natividad

Workers Compensation Case – Ryan Natividad

The city of El Paso was a defendant in the workers’ compensation case of Ryan Natividad. The city, which employs approximately 3,000 people, denied Natividad’s claim, claiming he had not filed the appropriate paperwork to prove he was injured on the job. The trial court found that Natividad was not entitled to the benefits and compensation he had earned as an employee. According to the trial court’s findings, Natividad was not paid the correct amount for two years due to his injury.

Natividad was sentenced to 180 days in jail on electronic supervision and placed on formal probation for three years. He was also ordered to pay restitution. He was also ordered to attend classes related to mental health. The case is still in litigation. However, his recent engagement to Christina Latham has prompted some people to question whether he still loves his wife. However, Natividad has not denied his love for Tenley Molzahn.

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