Roommates Dog Has Separation Anxiety

If Your Roommates Dog Has Separation Anxiety

If your roommate’s dog suffers from separation anxiety, it means they are highly anxious when left alone for long periods. This is a serious issue that should be addressed promptly; an emotional problem like this may lead to destructive behavior and even escape attempts; therefore, seek professional help as soon as possible.

While you are away, your dog may bark, howl, poop or pee in the house. They may also attempt to escape by destroying items and trying to escape. Upon your return they may become very excited and aroused.

If your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, desensitization therapy and other behavioral modification techniques can help. However, if you’re concerned that they have an underlying medical issue, seek professional guidance from a veterinary behavioral specialist for the most effective solution.

Some breeds are more vulnerable to separation anxiety than others, either due to their temperament or tendency for displaying sensitivity when left without company. Small dogs that tend to curl up in laps or become bored easily tend to be more affected by separation anxiety than larger breeds.

When your roommate leaves, your dog may bark, yell or chew up something (like shoes). This is a sign that they’re distressed and that you should come back and soothe them.

Crate-training your pup is a wise idea, but never leave him uncrated for more than a few hours. Even older puppies should always remain in their crate when left alone; otherwise they may develop into dangerous or destructive animals. Make sure your roommate follows this rule until their pups reach twelve weeks of age.

Your puppy likely wants to stay with you, and it is your job to help him learn how to be left alone. To do this, minimize any fuss when leaving, provide them with something fun while you are gone, take them for walks or playtime, and put them in their crate during your absence.

It is highly unlikely that a puppy would be content being left alone for an entire workday. They need someone to play with them, take them for walks, and provide food and water.

If your roommate has a young puppy, I strongly suggest discussing the possibility of finding them a new home or providing them with more human contact. It was likely an error on your part to bring the pup into your apartment and it would be cruel to leave them in this situation for any length of time.

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