Pokeball Cupcakes

If you’re celebrating a Pokemon birthday, try making Poke Ball Cupcakes! It’s super easy to make and sure to be a hit. Here’s how! Make cupcakes as big as pokeballs! You’ll need a cake mix or your favorite vanilla cupcake recipe. Make sure to use white cake for the ball appearance. Using an offset spatula, decorate each cupcake with a small white or red circle.

Select three circles and size them according to the cupcake wrapper. Place the top white circle aside and use the Slice function to create a rounded border. Move the black circle to the black band, and then the bottom white circle onto the white wrapper. Use the Center command to align the dots on the bands. After the cupcake wrapper is ready, decorate the cake! It’s fun to create different flavors with different characters! These pokeball cupcakes will be a hit!

To decorate these cupcakes, you can use an OREO Cookie. Simply cut a small circle in the middle of the OREO Cookie and cover it with cookie icing. Then, using black or red food gel, draw an outline around the white circle. Once your cupcake is ready, simply place the decorated cookie on top! Then, top it with a pokeball or other Pokemon-inspired food decoration. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even create a cake with a pokeball-themed theme!

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