James Scott Stanley and Drake Meet at a Rockets-Thunder Game
A recent visit to Oklahoma City proved to be a pleasant surprise for the rapper known as Drake. The pair were able to chat with one another at a Rockets-Thunder game courtesy of a viral photo that the Stanleys were proud to share. It wasn’t long before they realized they were seated next to the other crowned prince of the sports world.
There are a number of possible explanations as to why they happened to be in the same city. One of them was the fact that their respective grandsons were fans of the Rockets. Whether it was the lure of a basketball court or the thrill of catching a foul ball, the two were able to make the most of their courtside seat.
The Stanleys weren’t naive enough to believe that they were on a first name basis with the rapper a la the pattycake. While they may not have been the center of attention, they did manage to secure an invite to the fan’s party. At the party, they were greeted by a surprisingly friendly Drake. Despite his apparent lack of enthusiasm, they managed to strike up a decent conversation.
As for the actual meeting, they were unaware that it was even taking place until the event started. They didn’t actually know Drizzy was there until much later. Their seats were empty during the first half of the game, but that didn’t stop the rapper from making the most of their impromptu meeting. In short, the Stanleys got to share a moment of joy with the infamously good looking rapper.
Of course, if you’re a hockey fan and have a little time on your hands, a night at the arena would be a fantastic opportunity. Even better, the Stanleys are related to the elusive rapper, James Scott Stanley. For the uninitiated, they have a long history together. Both were on Bear Bryant’s Texas A&M Aggies team during the mid-fifties. However, it wasn’t until they met in the early 1970s that they became a team that was truly a part of the Stanley family.
In short, the Rockets-Thunder matchup is going to have major implications for the 2022 NBA Draft Lottery. But if Drizzy is there to check out the hoops, he’ll likely be able to take in the game on the same level as he would a matchup featuring the Rockets and the Thunder.
For a brief spell in the mid-nineties, the Stanleys were married to a guy named Fred. He served as an adjunct professor of administration at the University of Central Oklahoma and the sole caretaker of his wife during her battle with cancer. Eventually, they retired and moved to Oklahoma. During their stay, they had a number of interesting adventures. Among them, they met the man whose red coat impressed the aforementioned rapper. And, in a roundabout way, they also got to see what it was like to be an elite athlete.
In short, the Stanleys’ courtside encounter was not only a pleasant surprise, but an impressive display of sportsmanship and a fun night out.