I Am Shauna Rae – Is She Ready For Love?
When it comes to dating, Shauna Rae has had more than her share of luck and misfortune. This reality show star is a pituitary dwarf, a condition that is caused by the impacted pituitary gland, and she has been fighting the disease since she was a child. But she still has plenty of life to live, and she’s looking to find love.
I Am Shauna Rae is a reality television show that follows the life of an 8-year-old girl who is living in a 23-year-old’s body. She was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer when she was a child, and chemotherapy treatments stunted her growth. Now she is looking to get her driver’s license and enroll in college.
As she gets older, she finds her life getting more and more difficult. She wants to move out of her parents’ home, but her parents are not supportive. And she struggles with getting tattoos, going to the gym, and having a job. In fact, she was asked if she wanted to go on a blind date by her stepfather. It was the first time she’s been away from home in a long time, so she wasn’t sure what to expect.
Apparently, she’s learned a lot about herself, including the fact that she’s not a creep. She’s been working on her self-confidence, and she’s been trying to learn about how to date – but the truth is she’s just not ready. Thankfully, she’s found a potential suitor who she has started to talk to regularly.
If she’s not ready for a romantic relationship yet, she wants to focus on the other things she wants in life. She’s still learning to drive, and she’s trying to find a way to spend more time with her younger sister. She also wants to move out of her parents’ home and enroll in college.
Shauna has been through a lot, and she’s still getting used to the idea of dating in her early 20s. One thing she’s learned is that she’s not the only person who has a pituitary dwarf. While she doesn’t have a partner, she’s gotten to know a firefighter who has the same diagnosis as her, and she’s found some common ground. They talked about discrimination, and they agreed that they don’t let it define them.
Dan is a friend of Shauna’s, and she’s been getting to know him better. They’ve been spending a little time in Long Island to see if they can hit it off. They’ve even started a digital friendship. After talking to him for a while, he sent her flowers. He also told her that he has a job in the United States.
Shauna and Dan are still not sure how they feel about each other, but they have been making an effort to talk daily. At one point, Shauna decided she wanted to go on a date with Dan. Fortunately, she’s still got a few more opportunities to meet him before they make it official.