One of the most talked-about videos from Hitman Holla’s Snapchat story has been leaked onto the internet. This X-rated video of the battle rap alum was shared by one of his ‘close friends’ and has since been trending on Twitter. According to the rapper, he shared the video with selected friends last month. He later revealed that the bogus individual had filmed the intimate encounter and shared it with the world.
Hitman Holla’s girlfriend is social media influencer Cinnamon. Her 331,000 followers follow her on Instagram where she posts pictures of her life. The rapper has two businesses, the clothing line he started with Cinnmon and the clothing line he released with his label, Ball Game. His close friends and family members have been gushing about his popularity. But what are his closest friends? We’ll find out soon!
The 27-year-old YouTube star, Cinnamon, has her own fashion store and cooking business. She also has her own YouTube channel. The video has garnered over 185,000 subscribers. While the video was taken down from Twitter, it has been widely circulated on the social media site. People are shocked at the content and the video is going viral. Follow the link below to watch the video! If you haven’t seen it, check out Cinnamon’s video!
Hitman Holla’s girlfriend, Cinnamon, is a popular social media influencer and entrepreneur. The two started dating in 2016 and have been promoting each other’s work. The two are frequently photographed together. It has been speculated that the two started dating in 2016 and have been inseparable ever since. The video was leaked to the public by a snapchat screen recording. While the video has a lot of explicit content, the two have not been officially revealed to be romantically involved.