The Death of Doctor Strange Variants
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there have been a few villains that have been killed off. The first of these characters is Doctor Strange. This was not a surprising choice, as the character has had a reputation for being a powerful and experienced sorcerer. But his death makes it more impactful, especially when the main sorcerer is gone.
There have been several Doctor Strange variants. One of them is the zombie version, which appeared in the trailer for the Multiverse of Madness. He was shown wearing a ponytail, which gave off a sense of magic. Although he retains his superpowers, he is much weaker than normal.
Another Doctor Strange variant is the Defender Strange. His ponytail gives off a magical experience, and his outfit is similar to the one worn by classic comic characters. It appears that he is protecting Doctor Strange when he’s attacked. However, he could have a dangerous role in his own universe.
Another villain is the Scarlet Witch. The MCU has a good track record of killing off villains. It’s unlikely that she’ll make an appearance in the Multiverse of Madness. However, she might appear in the main timeline. Whether or not she’ll survive depends on how the Marvel Studios decide to include her in future projects.
The Illuminati is another group that will be featured in the MCU. They have been seen in the trailers, and may be working to protect all the universes. If they are, they might be the home to Supreme Strange and Superior Iron Man.
There are three other Doctor Strange variants that are rumored to be appearing in the Multiverse of Madness. These include the sinister version of Strange, and two other characters, including the warrior-like Zombie Wanda.
The zombie and Sinister Strange versions are both expected to meet their end. However, the evil version of Strange may be saved. And it’s possible that the MCU will save the other Stephen Strange variants.
In the upcoming Doctor Strange movie, a new variant of the character, known as the Defender Strange, will appear. This version of Strange is a member of the Illuminati. Unlike the other versions of the character, this one seems to be more advanced than a standard Strange. Despite his lack of superpowers, the Defender Strange appears to be able to use magic to protect himself and others.
Another threat that may be facing the Multiverse of Madness is the giant squid-like alien Gargantos. While we’ve seen him in various trailers and in LEGO sets, it’s unlikely that he’ll be a long-term threat. Perhaps the Multiverse of Madness will deal with him in the third installment of the series.
As the final Doctor Strange movie is nearing release, we have learned a little more about the character. While he will continue to work with Spider-Man, he’ll also be dealing with a dangerous version of himself. We’ve also learned that he’ll be attempting to cure his hands.
As with any of the characters in the Multiverse of Madness, we don’t know exactly what the storyline will be. However, we do know that he’ll be using the Variants to his advantage.