Bully X Suicidal Reader

The Bully X Suicidal Reader

The best way to test a yandere’s mettle is to give him a shot and the best place to start is with the yandere of all yanderes, the bully. One of the many things he learns is that it isn’t just him whose name is on the tip of the tongue. He’s got several nemesis to contend with, from the aforementioned jerks to the overgrown tykes.

It is not surprising that the school is a stressful place for anyone to be. As such, the savviest of the lot have been known to get up and leave. This is especially true of yanderes, whose names are on the tip of every tongue. In addition, the school is a great breeding ground for the sexiest of the sexiest of the feisty, which is not to say that the yanderes are not prone to sexting in the first place.

A yandere’s mettle isn’t the only thing he tests his mettle at, the Bully x Reader has something up its sleeve, namely a newfound love for the written word. In fact, he is the type who writes a book for fun. With all this said, he is a prankster and a wacky one at that. To boot, he possesses a swagger as well. But, he’s also got a few kinks to iron out, most notably his own ego. Luckily for him, there is a caffeinated ninja in the shape of an aforementioned yandere who is more than happy to oblige.

Seeing as how he’s been the target of several stingers, he’s had plenty of opportunity to study a few in the classroom. After all, a yandere is only a yandere if she’s not in her right mind. She’s got her hands full, as is her yandere of a sibling. So, he has to do a few things to keep her happy. Some of those include getting in her face and putting her in her place. Not to mention a few snarky nudges and a few niceties from her sexy sidekick, and the results are not pretty. For example, he’s got a couple raging hormones on his hands. However, with a little bit of time and a fair amount of reassurance, he’s the happiest man in the land.

While he might have been a little over the top in the aforementioned yandere department, he’s still a sassy sexy and his escapades in the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned can squelch any aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned as is the case with yanderes.

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