Bulldog Limping Back Leg

Why is My Bulldog Limping on His Back Leg?

If your Bully is limping on one of their back legs, it could be an indication of a sprain, fracture or injury that requires emergency vet care. Your veterinarian can help determine whether this symptom warrants emergency attention and provide the appropriate treatment for your dog.

Limping and lameness are symptoms that commonly accompany various injuries and illnesses in dogs; if left untreated for too long, they can become serious issues. Your veterinarian will ask questions about when and why your pup started limping, as well as conducting a physical examination or taking an x-ray to identify the source of the issue.

Superficial Injuries

Sometimes our Bulldogs’ paws and legs can get hurt from minor injuries or foreign objects stuck inside of them. This could occur if they’ve walked on hot pavement, had a thorn caught in their paw, or experienced a bee sting.

Typically, these injuries will heal on their own within a few days or hours. However, if you can’t spot any signs of healing or your Bully is limping for more than an hour, then contact your veterinarian to get them checked out.

Diseases and Infections

Your Bully may experience limping on their back leg due to one or more diseases or infections, including:

Bone Disease (hip dysplasia, panosteitis) – This condition can occur in dogs of any age group and cause joints to swell and make walking painful.

Treating this condition requires medication and therapy, so it’s worth taking your dog to the vet to find out what’s going on.

Lyme Disease – Lyme disease can be contracted from other dogs or insects and may cause your dog to limp on their back leg. Since Lyme usually takes months for symptoms to appear, it’s important to bring your pup in for a check-up if you start seeing any indications of the illness.

Inflammatory Diseases – Another common reason for limping in older dogs is inflammation. This can make walking or playing your pup painful, and your pup will likely be very tired afterward.

If you notice your dog acting differently or seems in pain after being outdoors, it’s time to visit your veterinarian. Medication and therapy can help ease their suffering, so if any changes in their behavior or it seems like they need medication after being outside, don’t wait – take action now!

Flowing Water

If the limping is due to swelling, apply ice packs for 15 minutes twice daily in the affected area. Alternatively, swirl a tub of water over your leg in an effort to improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Soaking in warm water can also provide temporary relief from sprains, bruises and tendonitis – or even abscesses!

Pet Insurance: Covers veterinary costs when your pup gets hurt and you cannot afford the necessary treatment.

Pet insurance should cover the costs of treating any underlying conditions causing your dog’s limping back leg. If you’re uncertain how to cover these expenses, read our comprehensive pet insurance guide for more information.

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