4 Common Injuries Resulting from Head-On Collisions

How often do head-on car accidents occur? While these accidents happen much less frequently than other types of car accidents, they remain a significant threat, even on primarily rural roads.

Did you survive a head-on collision? You’re probably wondering what injuries you will likely sustain after such a violent collision.

Read on to learn more about some head on collision injuries.

1. Head and Brain Injuries

Head and brain injuries are a common consequence of head-on collisions. They can range from mild to severe. The impact of the collision can cause the head to abruptly move.

It results in various injuries to the brain. Mild injuries may manifest as concussions, causing temporary confusion, headaches, and dizziness. But, severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can lead to more severe and long-lasting effects.

TBIs may result in cognitive impairments. It can also result in memory loss, difficulty with motor skills, and even permanent disabilities.

The brain may sometimes experience bruising, bleeding, or swelling. These require immediate medical attention.

Head and brain traumatic injuries from head-on collision underscore the importance of wearing a seat belt. Use proper restraints, and adhere to traffic laws to cut the risk of such devastating consequences. You can also contact a car accident lawyer to assist you after the accident. 

2. Spinal Cord Injuries

The impact of the collision can exert an immense force on the spine. It leads to damage to the delicate spinal cord. SCIs can have life-altering consequences. It can cause partial or complete paralysis below the site of the injury.

Individuals may experience a loss of sensation, motor function, and control over bodily functions. The physical and emotional impact of SCIs can be immense. It will require extensive medical intervention, rehabilitation, and long-term care.

Treatment for SCIs often includes surgery, physical therapy, and assistive devices. It is to enhance mobility and independence.

3. Chest and Abdominal Injuries

The forceful impact can lead to a range of injuries in the chest and abdominal region. This may include broken ribs, collapsed lungs, internal bleeding, and damage to vital organs such as the heart, liver, or spleen.

These injuries can vary in severity, from minor bruises to critical conditions requiring immediate medical attention and surgical intervention. The impact can cause fractures in the ribs, potentially puncturing vital organs or leading to complications like pneumothorax or hemothorax. Internal bleeding can be particularly dangerous, as it may not be immediately apparent but can lead to organ failure if left untreated.

Prompt medical evaluation, imaging, and surgical procedures may be necessary to address these injuries effectively. Adhering to traffic regulations, using seat belts, and employing safety features such as airbags can help mitigate the risk of chest and abdominal injuries in head-on collisions.

4. Lower Extremity Injuries

When two vehicles collide head-on, the lower extremities of the occupants can suffer severe injuries. The legs, knees, and feet may be crushed, fractured, or dislocated upon impact. In some cases, these injuries may result in permanent disability or the need for extensive surgeries, physical therapy, and assistive devices for mobility.

Avoid Head on Collision Injuries

Head on collision injuries can prove to be fatal. It is essential to take necessary precautions while driving to prevent such incidents. Wear your seatbelt, stay away from excessive speeding and driving under the influence, and above all, exercise caution when driving in traffic.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a head-on collision, seek medical attention immediately!

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